Cork Art Exhibition 2024 ~

~ for all wine Lovers ~

English caption ver.

久保 友則

Tomonori Kubo

◇ コルクアーティスト / シニアソムリエ
Atelier Cork & Tip (アトリエ・コルク&チップ)オーナー





Enthousiasme  熱狂



仮面を付けた男女、コードネーム「Enthousiasme :熱狂」と「Calme :冷静」を名乗る二人に隠された秘密とは?




Enthousiasme  熱狂

浅草のはずれにあるワインバー「Atelier Cork & Tip」を舞台に


2024年 アトリエ・コルク&チップ公式作品

ビジュアルノベル 『 見つめ合う二人 』



Calme 冷静

浅草のはずれにあるワインバー「Atelier Cork & Tip」を舞台に


2024年 アトリエ・コルク&チップ公式作品

ビジュアルノベル 『 見つめ合う二人 』


Calme 冷静



仮面を付けた男女、コードネーム「Enthousiasme :熱狂」と「Calme :冷静」を名乗る二人に隠された秘密とは?












Grace Kelly

From an American Broadway actress, Grace Kelly married the Grand Duchess of Monaco, whom she met at the Cannes Film Festival and became the Princess of Monaco. I wanted to depict the graceful beauty who visited France far away from the United States.

What is it like to leave one's homeland and live in a foreign country, as was the case with Napoleon in my first work? A person who believes in possibilities and creates his own path while spending time in a new place. This was the theme of the cork art that followed. I am also attracted by the scenery of the Cote d'Azur, such as Monaco, Cannes, and Nice, which Grace Kelly loved.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The first cork artwork. The portrait of Napoleon, who was a central figure, was created for a wine party to trace the history of the Versailles dynasty - the French Revolution, an event that triggered the transition of European countries from absolute monarchy to democracy.

How did French wines like Chambagne, Burgundy and Bordeaux come to be delivered all over the world? I wanted to find the roots and relationship between France and Japan, including Eiichi Shibusawa, who later became a great influence on Napoleon III, and the Paris Exposition, which served as the stage for the event, so I painted the symbolic revolutionary Napoleon I.

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian artist, also known as the Universalist. Created out of his admiration for Renaissance painting and sculpture. A great historical figure who lived through a tumultuous period, serving the Duke of Milan and dying beside the King of France in his later years.

Many works of art from the Renaissance period dating back 500 years have been handed down to the present day in the form of paintings and sculptures, but what was that period like? It is fun to imagine everyday life from the paintings and other objects depicted. This work is a double trick art, with the moustache of the portrait of the young Leonardo revealing a self-portrait of his later years.

Salvador Dali

A leading surrealist artist whose original paintings captivate the world. Born in Catalonia, Spain, Dali had an older brother who died at an early age and was given the same name, Salvador. This had a great psychological impact on the boy Dali. Where did that style come from? I was interested in his life.

His paintings are unique, but the impact of the person himself, with his eyes glazed over and his beard twisted into a tight knot, is amazing. The cork artwork taken alongside a replica of the melted clock depicted in Dali's painting delighted the Spanish Embassy and the Dali Museum, and was shared on social networking sites (see link below). The impressive beard is made from scrap wood from Benencia, where sherry is made.

Coco Chanel

Founder of Chanel, French world-renowned fashion brand. She grew up in a monastery, spent World War II in Nazi-occupied Paris, and died in her later years during a collection at Hôtel Ritz. I chose this portrait because I wanted to know what kind of person Coco Chanel was.

The history of French wine has its roots in monasteries, and Coco Chanel, an orphan, was also raised in a Cistercian monastery. The brand's black and white colors, reminiscent of the monks' robes, seem to have come from this original experience. I created this collection in sympathy with Coco Chanel's way of life, which has a strong message that is different from that of Louis Vuitton and Hermès, whose customers are the royal family. I also like Bordeaux wines owned by Chanel, such as Chateau Canon and Rauzan Segla.

Marc Chagall

Born in Russia (now Belarus), he moved to Paris and spent the last years of his life in the south of France. He is often called the painter of love because many of his works focus on the theme of love and marriage. his paintings are well known, especially for their beautiful pale blue colors, which evoke the sea and sky, and his fantastical style.

The motifs of cork art often include a selection of people such as Dali, Chanel, and Fujita, who came to Paris from various countries and regions and were forced to go into exile or live in a new land and new values due to the outbreak of war. I am interested in what they felt and expressed amidst the turbulence of the times, and Chagall is one such person. I would like to visit Nice someday, where the museum is located.

Gianni Versace

An Italian fashion designer who led the supermodel boom in the 1990s, along with Armani and others. His brand logo has a Greek influence, and his eccentric designs that use a lot of gold are impressive. The design was commissioned by d-japanese-kun, an influencer in the fashion world with over 2 million followers on Instagram.

D-kun, who we met through cork art, told us that he had a project to celebrate the birthdays of people who have contributed to fashion through Instagram throughout the year, and would we like to draw our favorite designers? He told me about the project and I chose Gianni Versace. He was born in Calabria, moved to Milan, and had a successful business career, but was shot and killed in his villa in Florida.

Louis Armstrong

Nicknamed Satchmo, he is a god of the jazz trumpet world. I was interested in how Europeans settled in America and how their culture was born, and I was researching the origin of Southern New Orleans jazz.

When tracing back the history of the United States, I found that Louisiana (Louis XIV's domain) and New Orleans (La Nouvelle-Orléans), where jazz music flourished, had been French territories, and that Africans were brought to these areas for plantation work. Gospel music, blues, and jazz were born from these people. Knowing this, Satchmo's "La Vie en Rose" and "What a wonderful world" make me cry. In the movie "High Society," Satchmo performed with Grace Kelly, who also used cork art as a motif.

Louis Pasteur

French biochemist and bacteriologist. He developed a method of pasteurization at low temperatures to prevent milk, wine, and beer from spoiling. He also developed the method of vaccination with vaccines. I exported this Artwork to his birthplace

The time was the Paris Exposition of 1855. Napoleon III had Bordeaux wines classified, and French wines were delivered all over the world. However, in an age when there were no refrigerators, there were complaints that the wine was deteriorating wherever it was exported, so scientists from all over France were sent to study the fermentation and spoilage prevention mechanisms of wine. There, the research was recognized by Napoleon III, and Pasteur was awarded the prize. The pasteurization method won the Grand Prix at the second Paris Exposition.

Dan Naoki (Dan zaemon)

The 13th Danzaemon, active at the end of the Edo period, was appointed as a shogunate vassal along with 65 of his subordinates in Keio 4 for his services to the shogunate in the conquest of Choshu and the battles of Toba and Fushimi. After the Meiji Restoration, he changed his name to Naoki Dan and was involved in fostering the modern leather and shoe industry. His cork art portrait is on display at the Leather Industry Museum.

I came to live in Asakusa and was researching the origins of the leather industry when I learned of Danzaemon's existence. I have made many friends who are leather craftsmen in Asakusa, and we talk about our shared desire to receive animal&plants life from food and to make the most of animal&plants life from hides.

Sayoko Yamaguchi

A fashion model who attracted attention in the shows of Kenzo Takada and Kansai Yamamoto, she is one of the few Japanese to make her runway debut at the Paris Collection. She appeared with mysterious slit eyes and black wavy hair, creating a Japanese boom.

Many of the motifs for his cork art are chosen from overseas, when I thought about drawing a woman next, who should he choose? The first person that came to mind was Sayoko Yamaguchi, and when I learned that she passed away in 2007, I watched a Youtube video of her taken in 2002 and was once again drawn to her mysterious beauty. The story of "line" she tells at the end of the linked video stayed with me, and I felt that it is the same value as cork art, in which a single work emerges when the boundary line between cork and cork blurs.

Yoshitaka Amano

Japanese painter and illustrator known for his character designs for Final Fantasy and Time Bokan. His delicate, bewitching, and fantastical drawings are popular in the West as well.

When Final Fantasy was released in 1987, I was 10 years old and looked forward to playing the game every day, and I am sure that many people of my generation have the same memories. The character designs that made the world of Final Fantasy fantastic, the baroque music, the castles and cityscapes in the background, and so on, probably nurtured my longing for a European world. On behalf of the fan club, Ms. Machida and Mr. Kondo asked us to present Mr. Amano, whom they adored, with a gift for his 70th birthday. I am filled with gratitude for making my childhood dream come true.


Non runs a wine bar Vinon Winestand & Deli in Ookayama. For the 3rd anniversary of her wine bar, she ordered us to create a portrait of her mother, a former Miss Japan, who has always supported her. this artwork displayeded in her wine bar

She came to us shortly after we opened Atelier Cork & Tip, which started in the Corona disaster. At that time, NHK World was covering the production process for an overseas video, so we were able to film the production process and deliver the finished product along with the video. We are very happy that they were pleased with the product. Please click on the link below to view the video.

Eiichi Shibusawa

He became a shogunate retainer of the Tokugawa family at the end of the Edo period and also served as a bureaucrat in the Meiji government. He was involved in the establishment and management of a wide variety of companies and economic organizations, including known as the "father of Japanese capitalism.

Cork is also regularly provided by the Imperial Hotel's restaurant, Les Saison, through its relationship with sommelier Mr. Ito and Chef Voisin. The restaurant department asked us to create a cork to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the Imperial Hotel, and we were able to display it in the lobby of the main entrance, just in time for the historical drama that featured Shibusawa Eiichi. It is still on display today.

Leonard Foujita

Japanese painter who was active in France before World War I. He returned to Japan during World War II and was treated as a war criminal after the war because of his war paintings, so he went to France again. In his later years, he changed his name to Leonard Fujita. His paintings of nudes, such as the one of a nude woman with what is said to be milky white skin, were critically acclaimed by the Western art world.

I was interested in the man Tsuguharu Fujita, who traveled to France and was highly regarded long before overseas travel became commonplace. It is exciting just to imagine what life was like in those days when he interacted with Modigliani, Jean Cocteau, Picasso, and others. He is impressive with his bangs and dark glasses.


Honen (1133-1212) was a monk from the late Heian period to the Kamakura period. He preached the teaching of ``senshu nenbutsu,'' which states that one can be saved by chanting ``Namu Amidabutsu,'' and founded the Jodo sect, one of the sects of Japanese Buddhism.

Asahi Yutaka (Tatsunami Oyakata)

His name when he was a sumo wrestler was Asahi-yutaka, and now he is a Tatsunami Oyakata, coaching junior sumo wrestlers.

Known as a very handsome sumo wrestler since he was young. He lives near Cork Art Atelier at Asakusa and prefers wine.This Artwork will be displayed in his Sumo room.

Danjuro (shibaraku)

The Ichikawa Danjuro family is the head of the Ichikawa school of kabuki and the head of the Ichikawa clan of kabuki. Because of its long history and numerous accomplishments, Danjuro Ichikawa is regarded as the most prestigious of all the names of Kabuki actors.

The art of "shibaraku (a while)" is known as one of the representative arts of the family.

Ozaki Beef Muneharu Ozaki

Ozaki Beef is a brand of beef named after an individual in Miyazaki, Kyushu. From the purchase of the calves to the careful raising of the cattle, Ozaki Beef is now exported to more than 49 countries around the world, and is a culinary treasure of Japan.

I knew that Mr. Hoshino, the manager at that time whom I met at a restaurant in Nihonbashi when I was 22 years old, had become Mr. Ozaki's right-hand man after becoming independent. Ozaki beef is now the most popular Wagyu beef as a brand of individual name, and Mr. Hoshino gave Mr. Ozaki a surprise gift to celebrate his 60th birthday. To purchase Ozaki beef, please click the link below


He is an award-winning traditional craftsman in Kyoto. He is the same age as Mr. Ozaki of Ozaki Beef, and is a friend and chef at a truffle specialty restaurant in Kyoto that uses his own vessels.

He coexists seasonal flowers and nature in his tableware, creating a traditional craft that makes the dining experience a beautiful one.

Tsuyoshi Kamisasanuki

President of Zenkoku Security Co., Ltd. (ZENKEI). A longtime customer of Restaurant Sheino, who has shared many wines with his ally Chef Inoue, the restaurant staff requested this as a surprise gift for his birthday.

On the day of Chef Inoue's farewell party, we received a Bordeaux wine cork that was given to everyone, and we embedded the cork in the shoulder of Mr. Kamisasanuki so that the brand could be seen. I hope that every time you look at my work, you will remember the time you spent with Grand Chef Inoue.

Chef Noboru Inoue

He trained in Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium in restaurants such as Troisgros and Maxim's in France. After returning to Japan, he worked as a chef at famous restaurants such as Ginza L'Ecain before opening his own restaurant, Chez Ino. A leading figure in the world of French cuisine, this piece was created at the request of the restaurant staff to celebrate his 75th birthday.

one day I visited his restaurant to ask about the origin of Chez Inno's specialty, "Maria Callas baked lamb in pie," and about his youth in Paris. I believe it is thanks to people like these that the culture of enjoying French food and wine on a daily basis has taken root in Japan, as they continue to hone their skills and challenge the world.

Ichizo Nakagawa

Chairman of Nakagawa Wine, which has been importing and selling wines, mainly California wines, since 1985 in Japan. He is one of the people who taught Chef Inoue of Chez Inno and has a deep knowledge of French wines as well as California wines.

Mr. Nakagawa of Nakagawa Wine, who received a request along with a portrait of Chef Inoue. Both of them had been like allies in friendly competition in the world of French cuisine and wine since they were young, and we were enjoyed to gems of California wine such as Colgin and Kongsgaard while looking at photos of the two of them in their younger days at the unveiling. On the same day, we received another order from the current president, Seiichiro.

Tsuyoshi Kon

A leading Japanese guitarist who has worked with numerous celebrities including Yosui Inoue, Eikichi Yazawa, Hikaru Utada, and Masaharu Fukuyama. He has an impressive guitar technique.

this artwork is requested me from my friend Mr. Hashimoto, who is pull the electricity and set up the lighting when the space that is now Atelier Cork & Tip was still a warehouse. On the day of the completion and unveiling, we planned a jazz live performance by a friend of mine, and he played live with us as an encore, which I never expected. A day I will never forget.

Yasuharu Aizawa

Mr. Aizawa is a tax accountant who loves wine and has a wide face in the French cuisine world.

When he was working at a wine store in Kiyosumi Shirakawa, Mr. Sugawara of BLB, who lived near the store, introduced him to someone who loved wine so much that he wanted to have a cork art portrait made. After enjoying dinner at a hotel in Akasaka, we unveiled the portrait in his room. We were delighted that he was pleased.

Tomoyoshi Nozaki

Requested by the Planning Department of the Imperial Hotel as a commemorative gift for the celebration of the conferment of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette by Mr. Tomoyoshi Nozaki, President of the Soka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Saitama Prefecture.

Since we produced a portrait of Eiichi Shibusawa for the 130th anniversary of the Imperial Hotel, we have been ordered to produce commemorative gifts for celebrations held at the hotel for symbol person of each company or organization. We are grateful for the various connections we have made. The following article on the Tobu Yomiuri web shows a scene from the celebration.

Takehiko Abe

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Ernesto Guevara was an Argentine-born politician, revolutionary, and guerrilla leader of the Cuban Revolution. "Che" is a nickname that comes from the Spanish word used in South America, where people say "hi" to each other. Cigar smoking scene


Japanese composer, arranger, pianist, and music producer. His musical style was wide-ranging, with classical music at his core, but he also had a deep knowledge of folk music and popular music (especially techno-pop). In 1987, he was the only Japanese person to win the Academy Award for Best Original Score, and his film music has also been acclaimed worldwide. His nickname is "Professor." In his later years, he actively participated in movements related to the environment and the constitution.


He is a Japanese musician and one of the most famous wine lovers in the entertainment industry. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of his solo career, we presented him with a portrait artwork. It is displayed in his studio in Tokyo, and he is now a fan of cork art.

Gackt was one of the central figures in the rock scene, and I often saw him on TV and in live videos and thought he was cool. Time passed, I started working in the wine business, and I knew that Gackt was a favorite of wine, so I gave him a portrait as a gift. He hangs it in his studio and sometimes on Youtube and insta-live. You can see it in large size in the new R25 interview article linked below.

KOHI (Takayuki Kohiruimaki)

Kickboxer, martial artist. Won the K-1 WORLD MAX tournament three times, the most in history. His nickname is "Mr. Stoic". Currently, he has a Kohiruimaki dojo where he trains athletes. A friend of mine from the same era who also has an artist side.

Keisuke Kuwata (Southern All Stars)

Keisuke Kuwata is a Japanese musician and singer-songwriter. Served as the bandmaster of the rock band Southern All Stars, and was in charge of vocals and guitar. One of Japan's most beloved singers who has sung many hit songs.


This work is a bit irregular among the portrait series, and is based on the King of Spades.

Each playing card has its own model, which is said to have originated in France around the 16th century, where each card was associated with a legendary figure. The King of Spades, the only one facing right, was modeled after King David of Israel, who appeared in the Old Testament. The king of clubs is Alexander the Great, the king of diamonds is Caesar (Caesar), and the king of hearts is Charlemagne (Charlemagne). You can learn a lot about history from a single playing card.

Lalou Bize Leroy

She is a co-owner of the former Romanée Conti and a female winemaker at Leroy, Burgundy's finest wine merchant. The wines she produces are treasures.

In my early twenties, I fell in love with wine, and as I worked as an apprentice sommelier, the wines of Leroy were the ones that struck me the most. It then led me to visit Burgundy and gave me the opportunity to walk the vineyards from Dijon to Beaune and visit many of the makers. I was happy that the madame saw my work in her e-mail and was pleased with it.

Henri Jayer

Legendary winemaker from Burgundy, France. After his death, his wines are among the most expensive in existence, and many of his students have learned from him. It is one of those wines that I would like to encounter again at some point in my life.

Since Burgundy was the first place I visited when I fell in love with French wines, I wanted to know the wines of the producers who are called the best in the region. It has become so expensive that I can no longer afford to buy it, but I still clearly remember the excitement of that taste. At the request of Mr. Fujimaki, a veteran sommelier at Tokyu's main store, I received thousands of corks that he had collected at home and created this work as a gift. It is still on display in his home.

Christian Bellei

Lambrusco is a famous sparkling wine from Emilia Romagna, Italy. Cantina della Volta, established in 2009 by Cristian Bellay, who was born into a family of four generations of winemakers in the region, is attracting attention as one of the most important wineries in just a few years since its establishment. Cork art designer Ko Hayashi's favorite wine.

Since our first cork portrait of Napoleon in 2014, we have been asking him to design a rough sketch of the motif for us. We proposed to Mr. Ko Hayashi that we would like to draw the producer of his favorite wine, and he requested us to do so. After the work was created, it was exported to a winery and is now on display.

Philippine Mathilde Camille, Baroness de Rothschild

Born in 1933, she is the only daughter of Baron Philippe de Rothschild, who elevated Mouton Rothschild, one of the finest wines in Bordeaux, France, to the first class in 1973. Upon her father's death, she took over the business in 1988. She developed the wine business started by her father, including Opus One in California and Almaviva in Chile, and expanded it internationally.

Mouton's wine labels are famous around the world as artist labels, and have been used by Japanese twice in the past (1979, Hisao Domoto, 1987 Setsuko Balthus). Since I decided to bring cork art to the world, it has been my dream to decorate this wine label as a Japanese for the first time in over 30 years. Let's put the memories of your wine enjoyment on it, and together let's give it shape.

Bill Harlan

Harlan Estate is a winery founded in Oakville in 1984 by Bill Harlan, who made a fortune in the real estate business with the goal of producing wine that rivals the world's great wines. Now, 40 years after its founding, it has become the most expensive wine in California and is coveted by wine fans around the world.

Herve Jestin

He is known as a charismatic champagne brewer. At a young age, he became the head brewer of Duval-Leroy and raised the name of the company, and after working for over 20 years, he became independent. With a long history of grape cultivation and winemaking philosophy that respects nature, we are producing Champagne with a unique energy.

ノートルダムの薔薇窓 南

Vitrail -Sud-

はるかなるノートルダムの薔薇窓からインスパイアされ、色とりどりのシャンパーニュの王冠(ミュズレ)を散りばめて描いたミュズレアート。東西南北それぞれの薔薇窓をイメージした作品は、メゾン・ベルナールレミーとのコラボによりオリジナルラベルとなりました。(2021年発売・Sold Out)


ノートルダムの薔薇窓 東

Vitrail -Est-

はるかなるノートルダムの薔薇窓からインスパイアされ、色とりどりのシャンパーニュの王冠(ミュズレ)を散りばめて描いたミュズレアート。東西南北それぞれの薔薇窓をイメージした作品は、メゾン・ベルナールレミーとのコラボによりオリジナルラベルとなりました。(2021年発売・Sold Out)


オリジナルラベル 【ラファエロ & ヴィーナス】

Original Label -Raffaello & Venere


The work was painted in homage to the Birth of Venus, a work by Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli.

A counterpart to Raphael, the original wine with the cork art label was released in Japan in the fall of 2023 in collaboration with a winery in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy.


Raffaello was a leading Italian painter and architect of the Renaissance. Along with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, he is considered one of the three greatest masters of the Renaissance.

In collaboration with a winery in Tuscany, Italy, an original wine with a cork art label was released in Japan in the fall of 2023

La Dame

This work is based on the tapestry "The Lady and the Unicorn," which is considered a French historical national treasure and is stored in the Musée de la Méditerranée de Cluny in Paris.

The abbey of Cluny, founded around the 10th century and surviving until the French Revolution, is said to have been located in the southern part of Burgundy. At its peak, it had 1,200 monasteries and 20,000 monks under its jurisdiction, and was the largest religious building in Europe until the establishment of St. Peter's Basilica. The monastery was destroyed during the Revolution and only a small portion remains today, but wine is still made in the nearby vineyards, the wine is now available under the Lady and Unicorn labels, respectively. This was also presented at the Musée de la Cluny in Paris.


This work is based on the tapestry "The Lady and the Unicorn," which is considered a French historical national treasure and is stored in the Musée de la Méditerranée de Cluny in Paris.

The abbey of Cluny, founded around the 10th century and surviving until the French Revolution, is said to have been located in the southern part of Burgundy. At its peak, it had 1,200 monasteries and 20,000 monks under its jurisdiction, and was the largest religious building in Europe until the establishment of St. Peter's Basilica. The monastery was destroyed during the Revolution and only a small portion remains today, but wine is still made in the nearby vineyards, the wine is now available under the Lady and Unicorn labels, respectively. This was also presented at the Musée de la Cluny in Paris.

Poppin Girl

A woman blowing a poppin, a beauty painting by Utamaro Kitagawa, an ukiyoe artist of the mid-Edo period. The subjects of Ukiyo-e were extremely varied, and included pictures of beautiful women, actors, and famous places, reflecting the demand of the general public and the manners and customs of the time.

When it was decided that Sharaku's parody of a woman holding wine was to be used on a French wine label, Utamaro's Woman Blowing Poppins was chosen as the counterpart white wine. The composition was made to resemble a pre-date a man with a bottle of wine visit to a woman in the Edo period. The poppin part is Edo faceting, and she is a wine-loving woman waiting for her man with a wine glass in her hand. The wine is on sale at Atelier Cork & Tip. You can also buy it from the link below.

Yakko Edo Bei

The ukiyoe artist Toshusai Sharaku in the mid-Edo period, Otani Onitsugu's "Yakko Edobei". The subjects of Ukiyo-e were extremely varied, and included pictures of beautiful women, actors, and famous places, reflecting the demand of the general public and the manners and customs of the time.

Having lived in Asakusa for a long time, I wanted to create a work with a motif of something that evokes the vestiges of Edo culture, such as ukiyoe, sumo, and kabuki, and I came up with the composition of Sharaku holding a glass of wine in his left hand. Domaine Bassac, a wine producer in Languedoc, southern France, allowed me to create an original label for this work, which is now available at Atelier Cork & Tip. You can also buy it at the link below.

オリジナルラベル 【浮世絵ワイン】

Original Label -Ukiyoe wine-



このワインが買えるのは、Atelier Cork & Tip だけです。

Corks on hand

The tint of wine that seeps into the cork is a sign that the wine has been protected from the day it was made until the day it is drunk. The longer the time, the more intense the tint becomes.

Corks were initially collected at restaurants of acquaintances and friends, but now the activity has become widely known and corks are delivered from all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Cork art is a collection of memories of many people enjoying wine with their close friends. If you have any surplus corks that you have no use for, please contact us. We will use them for future works.


Atelier Cork & Tip


【アクセス】東京都台東区橋場1-36-2 (最寄り駅:浅草)
         14:00~22:00 L.O 月曜日定休


Toy poodle


Shiba Inu

Daniel Craig

British actor who played the sixth James Bond in five films, starting with Casino Royale (2006), he is the first blonde Bond in the 007 series and retired as Bond after his appearance in No Time to Die, released in 2021.

The film was produced to coincide with the announcement of No Time to Die, a series that had been frequently postponed due to the Corona. I added blue corks to the eyes of the blue-eyed Englishman, and Bond's beloved Bollinger's Muselet on the knot of his bow tie.

Audrey Hepburn

British actress from Hollywood's Golden Age. She is known as an icon in both the film and fashion worlds. This is a scene from a Roman Holiday.

The client, Ms Ai loves wine and regularly collects corks at her favorite wine bars and restaurants and delivers them to us. Ai-san requested that I make a series of beautiful women from around the world whom I find beautiful, and here is the first one. Since this is a famous portrait filled with Hepburn's charm, it took me the longest time to express her from her eyes to her mouth. The finished work is on display in front of the counter for everyone to see for a while in my atelier wine Bar.


British musician and actor. He came to be called Sting because of his yellow and black striped jacket, which reminded him of a bee, that he used to wear at his live performances before the formation of Police.

Mr. Hashimoto request me to draw Sting who is a papa friend. he installed the electricity and lighting when my atelier was still a warehouse gallery. Although his day job is an electrician, he has a full studio set up at home and is a musician who even records in New York. Mr. Sting also runs a winery in Tuscany, Italy, we would scatter Il Palagio's wine corks on it as well. he introduced the finished artwork on his Instagram page, saying thatWe were gut-punched with Mr. Hashimoto at this. (see link)


(French: Léon, English: Léon: The Professional) is a 1994 French-American action film. Directed by Luc Besson, the cast includes Jean Reno and Natalie Portman. Set in New York City, the film depicts the interaction between a lonely hitman and a young girl whose family was killed by a drug trafficking ring, and their battle for revenge.

One of the movies I was excited to see too 30 years ago. I was mesmerized by the performances of Jean Reno in the lead role and n Natalie Portman as a young girl.

Bodin Clara

Born in France but living in Japan for a long time, she has worked as a model, interpreter, TV personality, and host. She is friends with many famous French chefs, and her smile is very charming and suits the luxury scene. Her earrings are decorated with muslees for the Order of Champagne.

Working as a sommelier, I have many opportunities to meet French restaurant owners and chefs. I saw Ms Clara at various places, and one day I sent her a message because I wanted her to know about my cork art activities. She came to my private exhibition and helped me promote cork art. We are grateful for the connections that spread through wine and art.

Steven Jobs

American entrepreneur, businessman, and industrial designer who was one of the co-founders of Apple and served as the company's CEO. He is a recipient of the National Medal of Technology and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Jobs' speech, which has been passed down from generation to generation, has left an indelible impression on my mind, and I have been thinking about ~Connecting the dots~Each dot you choose now will lead to a dot in the future, and Stay hungry, Stay foolish
Stay hungry, Stay foolish~ Each point you choose now will lead to a point in the future, and Stay hungry, Stay foolish~ Live with love beyond defeat, I hope to continue my activities with this message as a hint.


We traveled to Azerbaijan in 2019 after being invited by the Waste Wood Art Festival, an annual event that invites artists from around the world to commemorate the 650th anniversary of the birth of Azerbaijan's 14th century poet, Nasimi, and create locally. This was the first overseas exhibition of cork art. The production was broadcasted in many local media and on TV.

I had a dream to someday exhibit my cork art, which is created after enjoying wines from all over the world, abroad, and I never thought that my first country would be Azerbaijan, a country I had never been to and had no knowledge of. The events of the past 10 days were so colorful that you can view them in the NOTE linked below.

Anastasiya Vrublevskaya

Based in New York City, she is an art advisor and influencer who travels the world. He followed our activities on Instagram and we started a friendship.

I use Facebook to communicate cork art to the domestic market and Instagram to communicate it to the international market, and I often receive comments and messages from people from all over the world on Instagram. Anastasia-san is doing the works of various artists on her page with 800,000 followers, and this work depicting Anastasia-san was also introduced to us. She is a very beautiful person with beautiful eyes and nose, and her works are also very interesting to see. If you ever have a chance to visit Japan, I would love to meet her.

2 Pac

Born in the Bronx, New York, USA, he later became a legendary rapper for posterity.

On September 13, 1996, while riding in his car in Las Vegas, USA, after watching a fight of his friend, boxer Mike Tyson, someone shot him multiple times from the side, bringing his life of only 25 years to an abrupt end.I still feel that 2pac's words are imbued with conviction

Vivien Leigh

Awarded the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Scarlett OHara in the 1939 film "Gone with the Wind," who grew up as the daughter of a plantation owner in the American South during the mid-19th century, the period of the Civil War. Her performance, in which she survived the turbulent war and postwar years with a shallow realism and rugged vitality, captivated people around the world.

She said that she was her most favorite actress because of her image of a strong woman who lives independently without depending on men. After receiving the order, we watched Gone with the Wind again, and we created the painting based on our imagination from the scenes in the movie.

Salvador Dali

A leading surrealist artist from Catalonia, Spain, who captivates the world with his original paintings.

This is my second Dali Artwork... Around 2016, my first work was displayed in the show window of the store where I was working at the time, and it caught the eye of a passerby and sold quickly, but another person who saw it at the time emailed me from San Francisco after a gap of 5 years Another person who had seen the show window at that time, and who had been looking at it for five years, e-mailed us from San Francisco and asked us to display it in his cellar room. The product was successfully exported and the cellar is now being prepared. I would like to visit there someday.

Paul Bocuse

He took over his birthplace restaurant, Paul Bocuse, near Lyon, France, and maintained its three Michelin stars, which he obtained in 1965, for more than 50 years. A master chef who received the National Order of the Best Craftsman (MOF) and the Legion of Honor and carved his name in the history of French cuisine, he died in 2018 at the age of 91 in Bocuse, near Lyon.

How did French cuisine spread to Japan? We had to go back to Auguste Escoffier, along with the origins of the New Grand Hotel and the Imperial Hotel. Both Joel Robuchon and Paul Bocuse are among the various lineages of French cuisine that spread from Escoffier. A work that I have a lot of feelings about because I had many opportunities to arrange wines forBrasserie Paul Bocuse in Ginza and Maison Paul Bocuse in Daikanyama.

Joel Robuchon

Known as the chef with the most Michelin stars in the world, there are restaurants bearing his name in 13 cities in 11 countries (Paris, Tokyo, Monaco, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, New York, Miami, Las Vegas, Montreal, and Dubai). I met the chef at the wine store in the basement of Chateau Restaurant in Ebisu, Tokyo.
He is a great chef who is not unknown to anyone who aspires to a career in French cuisine or sommelier. To commemorate his 70th birthday, I made a surprise for him at La Vinee, a French wine specialty boutique in Ebisu, where he was working at the time. He was very pleased with it. Chef Watanabe, who was the executive chef of Robuchon at the time, has since opened his own restaurant named Nabeno-Ism have supplied corks to me

Chef - Kenichiro Sekiya

Moved to France in 2002. Since 2006, he has worked at L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Paris, becoming a sous chef at the age of 26. Since 2010, we have been serving the chef at L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon in Tokyo. In 2021, he was appointed executive chef, overseeing all of the Robuchon Group in Japan. A chef who has received the M.O.F (French National Artisan Award), an award given to craftsmen with the most outstanding skills in French culture.

Chef - Eric Bouchenoire

He has spent more than 30 years as the right-hand man of the world's most acclaimed chef, Joël Robuchon, and has won the M.O.F (French National Craftsman of the Year) award, which is given to the craftsman with the most outstanding skills in French culture. chef

Chef - Toru Kawano

He moved to France at the age of 25 and built up a career at some of the most famous restaurants in Paris, such as Guy Savoie, Jamin, Georges Blanc, and Girardet in Switzerland. In particular, he served as a disciple of Joël Robuchon, a charismatic figure in the French cooking world, and received his training.
After returning to Japan, he served as the first Japanese chef at Taillevent Robuchon in Ebisu, and became independent in 1997. Currently, he works between the Ebisu main branch and Marunouchi branch of Restaurant Mona Lisa, where he takes command in the kitchen.

Chef - Yuichiro Watanabe

After working at restaurants such as Le Maestro Paul Bocuse, he went to Chateau Restaurant Taillevent Robuchon in Ebisu. Since then, he has worked for Robuchon Group for 21 years, and has been active as executive chef since 2004. Became independent in 2016 and opened his own restaurant, nabeno ism, in Asakusa/Komagata.two-star rating edition of the Michelin Guide Tokyo.

Chef - Ryuta Iizuka

He joined Taillevent Robuchon in 1994, and went to France in 1997 to train at famous restaurants such as ``Troisgros'', ``Jean-Paul Jeunet'', and Luxembourg's ``Léa Linster''. After completing his 12-year apprenticeship with Joel Robuchon, he opened his own restaurant, Restaurant Ryuzu, in Roppongi in 2011. It has maintained a two-star rating since the 2013 edition of the Michelin Guide Tokyo.

Gaggan Anand

Chef from India, living in Bangkok, and ranked number 1 in Asia's 50 Best Restaurants, 3 years in a row. He often collaborates with Japanese chefs and exports to Bangkok through Kojic Vladimir, Gaggan's sommelier.

He has also worked at El Bulli in Spain, which is known as one of the most hard-to-get-reservations restaurants in the world and was made into a movie, but sadly closed. I am very happy that through cork art, I have been able to make contact with sommeliers and chefs from all over the world. He has a wonderful smile and his cuisine is also very original, which I would like to try someday.

Audrey with Coffee

Audrey Hepburn was an English actress active in the Golden Age of Hollywood, and is known as an icon in the film and fashion worlds.

One of a trilogy of works produced at the request of the owner of Tokumitsu Coffee, who operates coffee shops in Ishikari, Sapporo, and Otaru in Hokkaido.

John Lennon with Coffee

John Lennon is a British-born musician and peace activist. He was the founding leader of the Beatles and composed many songs loved around the world. after the Beatles disbanded in 1970, he based himself mainly in the United States, where he worked with his wife, the artist Yoko Ono.

One of a trilogy of works produced at the request of the owner of Tokumitsu Coffee, who operates coffee shops in Ishikari, Sapporo, and Otaru in Hokkaido.

Yusaku Matsuda with Coffee

Yusaku Matsuda, who died in 1989 at the age of 40, is regarded as one of the most important Japanese film actors. This is a scene of him drinking coffee in one of his best-known films, Detective Story.

One of a trilogy of works produced at the request of the owner of Tokumitsu Coffee, who operates coffee shops in Ishikari, Sapporo, and Otaru in Hokkaido.

Johann Sebastian Bach

German composer and musician, one of the most important composers of Baroque music and a highly respected performer of keyboard instruments. In later generations, he is regarded as the "father of music," a composer who built the foundation of Western music and is also regarded as the source of music.

Everyone has seen his portrait in music textbooks and music rooms, and the impact of the court musician's unique hair at this time is strong. At the same time, he was fascinated by chamber music with harpsichord and strings, and church music and arias with organ, which were profound and precise yet somehow soothing. One of my most favorite musicians, I frequently listen Bach in my atelier


An 18th century German pianist and one of the most important composers in the history of music. His works are regarded as the culmination of Classical music and the forerunner of Romantic music, and had a profound influence on later generations of musicians.

Martha Argerich

A pianist from Buenos Aires, Argentina, she is currently one of the most acclaimed pianists in the world of classical music, having served on the jury of Chopin competitions.she is also a Japanophile who has organized the annual Argerich Music Festival in Beppu, Kyushu since 1998.

I am a fan of her powerful piano playing

Mark Wallen

An entrepreneur living in Florida, U.S.A., who sent us a production request after seeing Sting's cork art on Instagram when I created it.

When we present our works, we receive offers of new corks and production requests through social networking sites. This person also started communication through Instagram. We exported the finished product, but there was a problem after it was delivered to him, and the work was lost. It became a phantom.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ukrainian politician, former actor and comedian; 6th President of Ukraine since 2019; played Napoleon in the Ukrainian film Ruzhevsky vs. Napoleon (Ukrainian version), which made headlines in 2012 for its starring role by Jean-Claude Van Damme.

I never thought that in 2022, a war that will affect the world will start with a military invasion from the Russian border. 3 years ago, I visited Azerbaijan on the Black Sea coast, and I have an artist friend in Ukraine, so I just pray for an early end to the war. The artwork was commissioned by Looop President Nakamura to send a message to the people of Ukraine to stand up to conflict and not run away from it, and is on display at Looop's headquarters.

Maria Callas

Born in New York City, the son of Greek immigrants, and died in Paris, she was the greatest soprano of the 20th century. She captivated the world with her expression that went deep into the inner world of her roles such as Lucia, Norma, and Violetta. She is also sympathetic to the way of life in which she sought and enhanced her own place in the world by relying on her singing voice alone.

There was a dish called "Maria Callas -Foie Gras with lamb in pie-" at Chez Inno, a long-established French restaurant. He told me that it was a dish he served to Maria Callas when he was working at Maxim's, the best restaurant in Paris, and that he gave it the name after returning to Japan. The wine is great to drink while listening to Italian opera such as Rossini, Puccini, and Verdi.

Raymond Poulidor

French cyclist and road racer. He competed in the Tour de France 14 times, finishing the race 12 times, finishing second three times overall and third five times, but was called "the eternal second best" because he never won the race.

Mr. Troussier requested to draw a portrait on the theme of a person who has influenced his life. The Tour de France is a 23-day bicycle race held every July, mainly in France but also in neighboring countries such as England, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Monaco. The race is held over a distance of around 3,300 km, with a difference in elevation of over 2,000 m. The images of the undulating course are a combination of sports as teamwork and the beauty of the scenery.

Andy Warhol

American painter, printmaker, and artist, a standard-bearer of Pop Art. Using the silkscreening technique, which allows for the mass production of the same prints in loud colors, he created images of stars, commodities, dollar signs, and other frivolous symbols prevalent in American society. His paintings became popular as clear-cut pop art and commercial paintings that embodied the affluent American society.

Mr. Troussier requested this work on the theme of a person who has influenced his life. Although we often see silkscreen works of Campbell's Soup cans, colorful Marilyn Monroe, and Coca-Cola bottles, this is the first time for me we have seen a portrait of Andy Warhol himself. I would like to ask Mr. Troussier what part of Warhol he was attracted to the next time I see him.

Nelson Mandela

He became involved in the anti-apartheid movement at a young age and was sentenced to life in prison for treason in 1964, spending 27 years there before being released in 1990. The following year, in 1991, he became president of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1994, after South Africa's first all-race universal suffrage election, he was elected president.

Mr Troussier requested this article on the topic of influential figures in his life. He was the South African soccer coach in 1994 and was friends with President Mandela.

Coco Chanel

Founder of Chanel, France's world-famous fashion brand. she was raised in a monastery, spent World War II in Nazi-occupied Paris, and died during his last year of life in Hôtel Ritz, where she was collecting his collections.

Mr. Troussier requested me to create a cork artwork on the theme of a person who influenced his life. The first cork artwork I made as the fifth (Chanel No. 5) was a composition that included a hand holding a cigarette, but Mr. Troussier requested a close-up of her face. The earring part is a cap sticker of Sorbeni, which is samurai blue, the theme color of Mr. Troussier's wine.

Steve McQueen

American actor known as the King of Cool. His representative works include The Great Escape and The Magnificent Seven. His character as an anti-hero had something in common with the anti-establishment culture of the 1960s, and he established himself as one of the top heroes of the era.

Mr. Troussier requested this project on the theme of a person who has influenced his life. The motifs are President Mandela, Andy Warhol, Coco Chanel, and others from a wide variety of professions and lifestyles, but in common they all seem to be people who, despite being placed in various situations, were firm in their intentions and forged their own paths. After the request, I watched several Steve McQueen movies and was fascinated by his unfading charm.


Mr Troussier's second request is for Pele, the king of football. The Brazilian national team's ace and three-time FIFA World Cup champion, Pele played a total of 1,363 games and scored 1,281 goals from his debut at the age of 15 until his retirement in 1977. Because of his achievements, he is considered the greatest football player of the 20th century.

I was very happy when Mr. Troussier first order to me to create a work of his own, but since then we have talked from time to time through art, and I wondered who I should choose next. I have a winery in Bordeaux, so I might hang it there. So, first of all, he requested Mr. Pele in his younger days as his favorite football player, and I created the work.

Philippe Troussier

Born in Paris, France, he became a soccer player turned coach at the age of 28, and after coaching the Ivory Coast and South Africa national teams, he served as Japan's national coach from 1998-2002. He was commissioned to have his portrait painted at the restaurant Keisuke Matsushima Tokyo.

Troussier is famous as Japan's national team coach, but in his private life, he and his wife converted to Islam in Morocco, where he lived. He was born in France, spent time in various parts of Africa, and after leaving Japan, went to China and Vietnam, and I was impressed by his attitude to convey the joy of sports beyond borders and races. Cork Art has purchased 8 pieces of cork art and is the owner of the most.

Kylian Mbappé

Born in Cameroon to a Cameroonian father and an Algerian-French mother, he plays soccer for Paris Saint-Germain. He boasts overwhelming dribbling speed and is often called the best in the world of football

My second son, who is in elementary school, is a member of a football team and often watches Youtube videos of various popular players from around the world, but he became coronary and could not practice on the ground for a while, and his teammates quit. To cheer up my second son who seemed to be bored, I created a collection of Messi, Neymar, and Mbappe, the three top players of Paris Saint-Germain. I was glad he was happy when I lined them up in my atelier. After that, PSG also came to Japan on a Japan tour, and my second son is still playing soccer well today.

Lionel Messi

He was born in Argentina and currently plays for Paris Saint-Germain FC. He is the record holder for the most appearances, goals, and assists for the Argentine national team and FC Barcelona, He is regarded as one of the world's greatest soccer players.

My second son, who is in elementary school, is a member of a soccer team. However, he is in corona disaster and was unable to practice on the ground for a while, and his teammates quit. To cheer up my second son who seemed to be bored, I created a collection of Messi, Neymar, and Mbappe, the three top players of Paris Saint-Germain. I was glad he was happy when I lined them up in my atelier. After that, PSG also came to Japan on a Japan tour, and my second son is still playing soccer well today.


He made his debut for the Brazilian national team at the age of 18, and as of 2022 is the second-highest scorer behind Pele, winning the South American Player of the Year award twice. He joined Barcelona and helped them win the league with Messi; he moved to Paris Saint-Germain in 2017.

My second son, who is in elementary school, is a member of a soccer team, but he is incorona disaster and was unable to practice on the ground for a while and his teammates quit. To cheer up my second son who seemed to be bored, I created a collection of Messi, Neymar, and Mbappe, the three top players of Paris Saint-Germain. I was glad he was happy when I lined them up in my atelier. After that, PSG also came to Japan on a Japan tour, and my second son is still playing soccer well today.